Tuesday, February 16


My dear friend started this idea. She asked me about my star sign and the boyfriend's. And, this is what she sent me:

[I'm an Aquarian and the boyfriend is a Virgoan.]

The only turf these two signs can share is the intellectual one. The traditional, methodical Virgo panics in the absence of familiarity and routine; the Aquarius devotes himself to overturning the routine and modernizing the world. Likewise, in the emotional realm, Virgo seeks certainty while Aquarius craves the unpredictable. The Aquarian chill bothers the devoted Virgoan, who may reproach him or herself for some inner failing. However, love makes all things possible... But this couple will be a challenge for both partners to tackle.**

And, somehow I agree on this. Expscially about the boyfriend panics about changes. And me always looking for changes. Something to improve on.

So, okay. I did not stop there. I've made my own quest on this star-sign-compatibility-whatever and this is what I have found.
                             If your Venus is in Aquarius:
When your Venus is in Aquarius, you don't want to follow all the "rules" in love, preferring to love in your own way, unfettered by convention or what is "supposed" to be, or usually, done. You are future-minded, a tad unconventional (in love, anyhow) and there's an unmistakable "free spirit" in you that shows up most obviously in matters of the heart. This is not to say you cannot—or will not—fall in love. Infatuations happen easily, but true love can be a little elusive for you. When you do make a commitment, you are generally able to stick to it. The commitment you make generally has to be a little different in order to be tolerable to you, and you are proud of that difference. Following the beaten track simply doesn't sit well with you.

You have an aloof air about you that others find attractive. If they are looking for a commitment from you at a later date, however, what was once considered charismatic might become annoying! It is easy for you to feel claustrophobic in relationships that are too close, too needy, or too demanding of your time. If you have the space to breathe a little, all the better. This is when you are at your best.

You are a curious person and enjoy intellectual stimulation in your relationships. Although you are not someone who would be considered flighty, you do not tolerate stagnation very well. You need to feel like your relationship is heading somewhere. Your ability to detach yourself from a situation, take a step back, and look at it from a unique perspective is a tremendous strength. As willing as you are to stir things up if you are in the mood to enforce change, there is a wonderful calm surrounding you that can be most appealing to others. You are ahead of your time in matters of the heart, and you will be best off finding a partner who values your insight. **

Yes. That is so me ^^

Now, let's go on to the specifics:
          How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Virgo:
You get off on visions, possibilities, and opportunities. Your partner, on the other hand, is most concerned with making a relationship work. Mentally, you and your partner might have much to share. Both of you enjoy having meaningful conversations with the people you love. What you prefer to talk about may not be compatible, however! Your partner believes his or her needs are simple, and in many ways they are, although you might consider these needs unnecessarily complicated. Your lover responds best to practical displays of affection, and because his or her Venus is in an Earth sign, your partner most values your physical presence and attention. A partner who is always running off to see friends, for example, could make your lover feel somewhat insecure and decidedly unloved. You value exactly that freedom, so this is an area in your relationship that you both will need to work on. Your partner's need for appreciation is paramount. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like he or she has done something wrong. You reveal your love in different ways, and the independence you need, if misunderstood, can lead to a fair share of worrying on your lover's part. Make sure your partner knows that if he or she feels comfortable enough to loosen up and be himself or herself, you will appreciate him or her all the more. Misunderstanding of each other's unique and different love natures is what is most likely to divide you. This relationship can be a little more challenging than some, but compassion and understanding can most certainly make it work. **

As I have mentioned somewhere here, I want the relationship to be better. I look for ways how to make it all better, healthier, more satisfying and (of course) happier. And as I have noticed, the boyfriend is more on the stability side, just as long as we're okay, all's well, that's it. While I, talks about "growing" and getting better. I also agree with us having a lot to talk about, especially about the person we both know. In our free time, that's what we do. Talk about these people. Also, there's something about the boyfriend relying on physical presence, attention and the likes. I so agree with this, we had this argument before about seeing each other often. Though, I understand his point on that, I believe in missing each other as something that would help the relationship. It would remove the 'getting used to' part. And it feels good to long the other and be longed for. You plan what to do the next time you're together and stuff. It benefits the both of you. Well, that was my opinion. And yes, we have issues on freedom and time-for-one's self. He gets that, I don't. He felt having work makes me have this time of my own, which I don't consider, of course. It's something I'm a bit irritated that I'm just trying hard to contain, I just don't want to make things any harder as it is now. And yes, he needs appreciation big time. I felt that I have to stroke his ego every now and then because he is prone to feeling low. This is something we talk about quite often too. I just don't think that I need to watch my words or keep quiet all the time just because I might hurt him (right??). Independence is important to me. My own self is important too, I'm not planning to lose that just because I'm in a relationship or whatsoever circumstances I'm in. And I felt, this is something we need to work on to. I'm not used depending onto someone and, somehow, I expect my partner to be the same. We have a lot of things to work on to. But hey, we are still in progress. Just as what's stated above, COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING will certainly make this work. And, I think that's what I have plenty of... xoxo

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