Tuesday, February 2


Been through some notes I've had for so many years, and found some of my favorite notes. And I just wanted to put it here:

1. Can love really last a lifetime?

~ Absolutely. But, only if you chuck the fairy tale of living happily ever after. Romantic love involves chemical changes in the brain that last 12 to 18 months. After that, you and your partner are on your own. Relationships require maintenance.

2. Can relationships survive betrayal?

~ Yes. It takes time and work. Partners will have an affair at some point in their relationships (60% of men and 40% of women). The news is good for couples hoping to recover from devastating breaches of trust. The offended partner needs to make the choice to forgive, and learn to live with a memory that can't simply be erased. Infidelity is never forgotten, but it can gradually fade into the murky background of a strong, mature relationship. **


  1. I learned to chuck that fairy tale of living happily ever after a little too late, after I'm so damn wounded... T_T bitterness...

  2. Yes. You woke up from your stupor a little too late. You have your share of blame to point at yourself din. But, I guess you have your own reason of holding on kc, that's given. You just held on TOO long.

