And here is something from Rajo Laurel (A little history: He has this on his blog, and a friend gave this to him, and he just wanted to share it... so, it's now on my page.) And I think I like it too... a lot. ^^
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.
3. Record your late night shows and get more sleep.
4. When you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement,
“My purpose is to____ today.”
5. Live with the 3 E’s – - Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
6. Watch more movies, play more games and read more books than you did in 2010.
7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
8. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
9. Dream more while you are awake.
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
11. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds & walnuts.
12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
13. Clear your clutter from your house, your car, your desk and let new and flowing energy into your life.
14. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
15. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
16. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid.
17. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away.
18. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
20. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
21. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
22. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
23. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
24. Burn the candles, use the nice bed sheets, Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: “In five years, will this matter?”
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. What other people think of you is none of your business.
29. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. So stop complaining about the weather, the job, the rents etc., etc.
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
33. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
34. The best is yet to come.
35. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
36. Do the right thing!
37. Call your family often.
38. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements:
“I am thankful for ___.” Today I accomplished ____.
39. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
40. Enjoy the ride.. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don’t want a fast pass. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.
Did you like it too? It's awesome, right? You can make it as your 2011-to-do-things or something like a New-year's-resolution kind of thing (But, do people still make those nowadays?)
Happy New Year everyone! God bless us all. ^^
Thursday, December 30
Just want to post something I have read in which I think is suprisingly agreeable. ^^
If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.
If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Loser, and Shit for Brains.
When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.
When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need but it's on sale.
A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel.
The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, but she does.
A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.
Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
Do you guys agree? ^^
If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.
If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Loser, and Shit for Brains.
When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.
When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need but it's on sale.
A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel.
The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, but she does.
A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.
Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
Do you guys agree? ^^
Monday, July 5
It has been a while since I have made an entry here, although I often visit here to visit another blog that I follow (yes, I'm guilty), and I'm sorry.
I missed the red-orange-gray color I specifically picked for this, which took me a good two days to be finally contented with it. But I'm also rocking for a plain-white one. But, I'll leave this as it is. *smiles*
I remembered having this blog, gave me a reason to sit-type and put down all the mementos or sentiments that I have. And, I missed that. Honestly. I just wish to have enough time to do all the things that I want to do. So, here goes my shot to keep up with my life...
Then, I found this picture on my desktop. And I remembered, I searched for this picture because I want to make a post about the boyfriend cooking food for me. As for the people who doesn't know, the boyfriend doesn't know how to cook, anything. Believe me, he doesn't. Oppose than what he says, that he sure knows how to cook fried-food, I say, "well, maybe.. yeah, a little." Believe me baby, he doesn't have any talent when it comes in the kitchen. That's why I was dumbfoundedly shocked when I went home one night on a smell of cooking food. Damn. Manually cooking rice was, hey, a big deal. Especially if you aren't that hands on in the kitchen. Plus, he cooked this viand.. scrambled egg with thinly-sliced hotdogs. It was heaven. The most special food I've ever eaten. If it's possible to not touch it and put it up on a frame, I could have done that. I swear. Then, it'll make you think: "Shhht, how I love going home to this." Husband points, check!
I missed the red-orange-gray color I specifically picked for this, which took me a good two days to be finally contented with it. But I'm also rocking for a plain-white one. But, I'll leave this as it is. *smiles*
I remembered having this blog, gave me a reason to sit-type and put down all the mementos or sentiments that I have. And, I missed that. Honestly. I just wish to have enough time to do all the things that I want to do. So, here goes my shot to keep up with my life...
I honestly don't know why I personally love this picture. All I know is, the moment I looked at it, I feel 'connected' (if you know what I mean). The bond, the love, the closeness, the openness, the comfortability. And being in a relationship like that on top, is what made me like this picture, I think. Don't you just love that image and imagining you are that girl in the tub with your beloved in the same room as you (or him) light a cigar, plus a bottle of wine, maybe? I love. *_*

In four days, it'll be our tenth-month anniversary. It feels special. It feels different. Like, I'm on a familiar boat again. The " we go..." feeling. The boyfriend is.. my second long-shot relationship. Having a two-numbered anniversary is.. something to celebrate, right?
All I can say is that I am truly happy. I may not have the most-perfect other-half in the world, but I'm contentedly happy that he admits to being one of those real person who commits mistakes, tries hard not to do it again, stuff that he knows will hurt me. I'm completely satisfied that I have someone who is willing to work things out with me. Someone who knows that this will not be an easy fight, but he has the strongest heart to see this through. It feels good to have someone that, you know, wouldn't give up on you easily. We may be on a shaky ground at times, but I'm glad that I still find us, holding each other's hands after the stormy clouds passed.
So, to the man I love and will always love...
Happy tenth-month anniversary to you my beloved one.
I will always love you. And I will always be here for you.
So, that's about it. Gotta go. Still have things to attend to. Ciao! xoxo
Friday, June 4
Something I did for you. I'm sorry if I have the red super shown (you already know why.. But not as much as I do to you, of course.)
I hope you like it. xoxo
Thursday, April 22
Wednesday, April 21
Friday, March 12
Earlier this day, our friend just departed to Japan. Vacation or permanently? We don't know. Have fun.ü
.. after our work hours, we are going to head straight to a private pool somewhere an hour away from our office for our team building. The boyfriend was supposedly coming but some problems at home changed that.
.. after our work hours, we are going to head straight to a private pool somewhere an hour away from our office for our team building. The boyfriend was supposedly coming but some problems at home changed that.
See you tomorrow, my dear. It feels different spending a Friday night without you. Well, I'll be back before you know it. And we'll spend together what remained of our weekend.
There's nothing greater that waking up on a Sunday morning in your arms. And that's what I'm loking forward to.
I love you. xoxo
Tuesday, March 9
Just felt putting an update. And to tell you, there are LOTS of things that happened. Ups and downs.
The last time I was here was telling you about the fight that the boyfriend and I had. And of course, the pictures I just wanted to post for sharing :)
So here goes, the boyfriend and I had a major fight. I can't remember the exact date (and I'm sorry. I promise I will take note of the dates and happenings from now on.), maybe it was last, last week. All I can remember are not the exact details, so this will be a little fragmented. I think It started with, a day where after he coming home from school and I don't get a lot of text from him. I remembered us talking about something, (something about and jealousy I guess, that I think was a little shallow.) and I thought that pissed him of a bit, that when I received a text, "Let's drink". I replied, "Go, and make sure to get drunk.". Then he replied that his father was inviting him to drink to celebrate a worker's birthday. And I was like 'Okay'. Later, it dawned on me that that was a wrong sent, and was supposedly be for friends whom he is inviting to drink too, WHEN he doesn't even send me anything. Liqour and friends before me? Okay, I'm pissed this time. But not entirely until he texted me when my work hours has ended. There were two texts. One was, "You go here love, okay?", and I replied without reading the other text yet "Where?" ('coz I don't know if they are at their house or at their commercial building). When I read the second text "[name here], [name here], [name here].... are here". And I was like, how come I didn't know you inviting them, them going there and the process? That ticked everything. And I shut my phone off. I guess what he did made me feel neglected. I dunno. I don't like the idea that he informed everyone else first before me, and I don't like the fact that there are girls I'm not comfortable hanging around with. So, theres the jealousy kicks in. And I was like "Are you the only one who has the right to get jealous?". While I had given up the okay-casual-relationship with my, you get to hang out with yours?
I texted my mother instead, using my dear friend's phone, to pick me up from my drop off point. And I went home straight. Luckily, I was left alone at home. I was so mad back then. I can't explain the feeling. Thought of one thing that led to another and led to another. I'm just so pissed about everything. I started writing down how I feel. Every single thing that pissed me off. I can't remember how many bond paper pages that was (the last time I wrote was 4 pages). But it was definitely A LOT. That it took me 4 or 5 hours(??) to finish. While writing, I turned my phone on every hour for 15 mins. At the first hour, I received his 'off-line' messages. But the succeeding hours, nada. So that pissed me off more. Knowing that he doesn't even checked on me, whether I'm still alive or did I get home safely. I expected him checking me at home if in case he is definite that I'm mad, but he didn't. I decided I will get some sleep, that's around 6am. And I'm quite sure that's the time I heard his motorcycle too, which means he just went home. So, before going to bed I called their house, talked to their househelper and asked about the boyfriend. And, he's at home. And yes, he just arrived. So, that did it. I tried hard to sleep, and I did. After waking up, I checked my phone, and not a single text from him. Not telling me that he's home or whatsoever. This time, I called him. I told him that he's too much then I dropped the call. Then he started calling me back. I rememebered not answering my phone, calling our other friend, had a little talk but really wanted to know about what time they finished and some details. I remembered calling their house again and checked whether he went to school. And he didn't, of course. He's just too wakeful and tired to go to school. Another thing to be pissed off. It's okay to get drunk and stay out late, just make sure you won't take for granted your responsibilities. So, I went on my routine. Prepared for work, but before leaving, I left the letter at their house. At the van, I called him and told him that I gave a letter to their househelper. So, there. I said it all. We talked. He apologized. I think I heard what I needed to hear then. I also knew that he called mother to check on me. And mom told him that I'm already at home. So he checked on me, and he knew that I'm mad. The hangover of the fight stayed for how many days, almost a week I think. Little thing pisses me off. Something happened when he's on a friend's 'despidida' party. We were texting, and one thing led to another. Fought again. With my hangover of the fight and all, I dropped the phone. Texted him about something. And he went home (my place) immediately. And told me "Don't say that again". [I just want to hug him, when this soft side of him appears.] So there. We oftentimes fought. When one disagrees about something and the other agrees. When one approves and one disapproves. Misunderstandings. Fights, fights and fights. We just need to remember that, There is no true love without the fights.
The last time I was here was telling you about the fight that the boyfriend and I had. And of course, the pictures I just wanted to post for sharing :)
So here goes, the boyfriend and I had a major fight. I can't remember the exact date (and I'm sorry. I promise I will take note of the dates and happenings from now on.), maybe it was last, last week. All I can remember are not the exact details, so this will be a little fragmented. I think It started with, a day where after he coming home from school and I don't get a lot of text from him. I remembered us talking about something, (something about and jealousy I guess, that I think was a little shallow.) and I thought that pissed him of a bit, that when I received a text, "Let's drink". I replied, "Go, and make sure to get drunk.". Then he replied that his father was inviting him to drink to celebrate a worker's birthday. And I was like 'Okay'. Later, it dawned on me that that was a wrong sent, and was supposedly be for friends whom he is inviting to drink too, WHEN he doesn't even send me anything. Liqour and friends before me? Okay, I'm pissed this time. But not entirely until he texted me when my work hours has ended. There were two texts. One was, "You go here love, okay?", and I replied without reading the other text yet "Where?" ('coz I don't know if they are at their house or at their commercial building). When I read the second text "[name here], [name here], [name here].... are here". And I was like, how come I didn't know you inviting them, them going there and the process? That ticked everything. And I shut my phone off. I guess what he did made me feel neglected. I dunno. I don't like the idea that he informed everyone else first before me, and I don't like the fact that there are girls I'm not comfortable hanging around with. So, theres the jealousy kicks in. And I was like "Are you the only one who has the right to get jealous?". While I had given up the okay-casual-relationship with my, you get to hang out with yours?
I texted my mother instead, using my dear friend's phone, to pick me up from my drop off point. And I went home straight. Luckily, I was left alone at home. I was so mad back then. I can't explain the feeling. Thought of one thing that led to another and led to another. I'm just so pissed about everything. I started writing down how I feel. Every single thing that pissed me off. I can't remember how many bond paper pages that was (the last time I wrote was 4 pages). But it was definitely A LOT. That it took me 4 or 5 hours(??) to finish. While writing, I turned my phone on every hour for 15 mins. At the first hour, I received his 'off-line' messages. But the succeeding hours, nada. So that pissed me off more. Knowing that he doesn't even checked on me, whether I'm still alive or did I get home safely. I expected him checking me at home if in case he is definite that I'm mad, but he didn't. I decided I will get some sleep, that's around 6am. And I'm quite sure that's the time I heard his motorcycle too, which means he just went home. So, before going to bed I called their house, talked to their househelper and asked about the boyfriend. And, he's at home. And yes, he just arrived. So, that did it. I tried hard to sleep, and I did. After waking up, I checked my phone, and not a single text from him. Not telling me that he's home or whatsoever. This time, I called him. I told him that he's too much then I dropped the call. Then he started calling me back. I rememebered not answering my phone, calling our other friend, had a little talk but really wanted to know about what time they finished and some details. I remembered calling their house again and checked whether he went to school. And he didn't, of course. He's just too wakeful and tired to go to school. Another thing to be pissed off. It's okay to get drunk and stay out late, just make sure you won't take for granted your responsibilities. So, I went on my routine. Prepared for work, but before leaving, I left the letter at their house. At the van, I called him and told him that I gave a letter to their househelper. So, there. I said it all. We talked. He apologized. I think I heard what I needed to hear then. I also knew that he called mother to check on me. And mom told him that I'm already at home. So he checked on me, and he knew that I'm mad. The hangover of the fight stayed for how many days, almost a week I think. Little thing pisses me off. Something happened when he's on a friend's 'despidida' party. We were texting, and one thing led to another. Fought again. With my hangover of the fight and all, I dropped the phone. Texted him about something. And he went home (my place) immediately. And told me "Don't say that again". [I just want to hug him, when this soft side of him appears.] So there. We oftentimes fought. When one disagrees about something and the other agrees. When one approves and one disapproves. Misunderstandings. Fights, fights and fights. We just need to remember that, There is no true love without the fights.
All of it were bearable. Nothing that I can't handle. He is a man under construction. What he needs is someone who has enough patience to accept that this will not be an easy process. There will be countless times of fighting. And times that giving up seems to have more sense than staying.
But after all of these, I'm staying. xoxo
P.s. I'm gonna tell you next time about good things. Maybe tomorrow.
Happy sixth-month anniversary. I love you so much.
Wednesday, March 3
I just want to share some of the momentos me and the boyfriend shares^^
These are taken last February 14th at Sonya's Garden in Tagaytay. It was an hour and a half ride from us. A little far for a dinner. And we went there with the boyfriend's 'rents. The ambiance is good. The food, well, it was okay. So here goes...
These are taken last February 14th at Sonya's Garden in Tagaytay. It was an hour and a half ride from us. A little far for a dinner. And we went there with the boyfriend's 'rents. The ambiance is good. The food, well, it was okay. So here goes...
Before we left. At the boyfriend's house. Around 7:30 pm. And a little nervous. Going out with the boyfriend's 'rents. That makes me so jittery. Eeeesh. [parents. parents.]
It was like a forest-like place. Beautiful.ü
Outside the common hall. After eating.
I love you.
The shot is a little far. But gives you an idea of the place we had this shot. Cute isn't?üü
Yes. We are going to make more memories together. Happy moments - Happy memories. xoxo
Friday, February 19
Thursday, February 18
It's a little late now, just finished watching two movies. And I'm still awake. Goodluck for a long day at work later. I'm here at phase 3 and spending the night here. We won't be having water service tomorrow at our house (and the entire phase) because of the routine tank cleaning. Okay, so I didn't start this article to tell you about ra-da-nothings. There are two things tonight. And yes, it has something to do with the boyfriend.
First, the boyfriend stayed at home the entire night (which I'm really happy about, just different because he's not out, like the normal). My mom picked me up from my usual drop off point. It was all going well, until I went home alone and craved for a porridge. I stopped by there but unfortunately, it will still be ready in 5 minutes. I decided to go home first before eating. While I was at home, me and the boyfriend 'texted', and told him that I was about to go back to go get a serving of porridge. And he told me to just wait for mom 'til they come home. And I was like, "why do I have to wait for them? Can't I go there on my own?". I told him that I'll be okay. And I usually go there on my own before (well, before we became a couple that is). Of course, he did not agree. When he said "please", that ease me off a bit. But the idea this situation gave me did not go away. And of course, it made me think about a lot of things too. Like, there are lots of things that has changed since we became a couple. Some things are okay and some things are 'oh well, what can I do?'. I think I am the one who's doing most of the changing. And I think it's just a little unfair on my part. (Okay, enough. I'm going off track now)
Maybe, I just don't want someone to make me feel as if I can't take good care of myself and can't stand on my own feet. Okay, sometimes yes, I would love that. There's this quote, I remember, that says: "I know I can take good care of myself, but I want someone to prove me I can't" or something like that. Just like what that quote says, I wanted someone to make me feel I need to be taken care of, SOMETIMES. Let's not forget that I'm more on the independent side that wants to do things on my own.
Second, he was asking me to sleep at their place. I thought this topic has already been settled. This has been an issue between us from God-knows-when. I laid all the reasons why I don't, for so many I'm-getting-tired-repeating-it times, and I don't know why he keeps on pushing it. Things between his parents and I weren't that good, I don't want to pull the strings. I just can't imagine being the thick-faced woman who keeps on doing inappropriate things (being the woman who goes to the man's house which is just so inappropriate, much more to sleep there when you two aren't even married and your relationship wasn't that approved upon.. what would that make me look??), one reason is the on-the-works religion thing (which is another thing to talk about, but not now.). Another reason? He had someone before whom he lived with, maybe a year or so. And I just can't swallow the fact YET that I'm laying on the same bed which they have shared. And please consider that we are just on our fifth month together, past issues are still on the line. Why can't he understand that? He even noticed a lot of times what happens to me if I stayed too long in their house, I lose my mood, I lose my sane self. Why can't he just understand that?? I believe I'm doing my part on this. I have been trying to adjust and trying to change. I now go to their place every now and then. I went out together with his parents. I'm really tying to familiarize myself on this, can't he even notice that? To think that I am trying to overcome my fear of parents for him.
We did not end the night good. One thing is I did not agree to sleep at their place. And next maybe is I am now going to sleep in a different house (while I did not agree with his.). None of a proper goodnight. And won't be a good night (morning) for me. And it was always like this. I felt that I need to make him feel good all the time. That I always have to be very careful not to hurt his feelings. But how about me?
I think I'ma hit the sheets now. It's getting too late. I love him. This wouldn't change that fact. xoxo
p.s There's something about our date last feb 12 that I wanted to share. Pls help me remember.
Tuesday, February 16
My dear friend started this idea. She asked me about my star sign and the boyfriend's. And, this is what she sent me:
[I'm an Aquarian and the boyfriend is a Virgoan.]
And, somehow I agree on this. Expscially about the boyfriend panics about changes. And me always looking for changes. Something to improve on.
So, okay. I did not stop there. I've made my own quest on this star-sign-compatibility-whatever and this is what I have found.
Now, let's go on to the specifics:
As I have mentioned somewhere here, I want the relationship to be better. I look for ways how to make it all better, healthier, more satisfying and (of course) happier. And as I have noticed, the boyfriend is more on the stability side, just as long as we're okay, all's well, that's it. While I, talks about "growing" and getting better. I also agree with us having a lot to talk about, especially about the person we both know. In our free time, that's what we do. Talk about these people. Also, there's something about the boyfriend relying on physical presence, attention and the likes. I so agree with this, we had this argument before about seeing each other often. Though, I understand his point on that, I believe in missing each other as something that would help the relationship. It would remove the 'getting used to' part. And it feels good to long the other and be longed for. You plan what to do the next time you're together and stuff. It benefits the both of you. Well, that was my opinion. And yes, we have issues on freedom and time-for-one's self. He gets that, I don't. He felt having work makes me have this time of my own, which I don't consider, of course. It's something I'm a bit irritated that I'm just trying hard to contain, I just don't want to make things any harder as it is now. And yes, he needs appreciation big time. I felt that I have to stroke his ego every now and then because he is prone to feeling low. This is something we talk about quite often too. I just don't think that I need to watch my words or keep quiet all the time just because I might hurt him (right??). Independence is important to me. My own self is important too, I'm not planning to lose that just because I'm in a relationship or whatsoever circumstances I'm in. And I felt, this is something we need to work on to. I'm not used depending onto someone and, somehow, I expect my partner to be the same. We have a lot of things to work on to. But hey, we are still in progress. Just as what's stated above, COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING will certainly make this work. And, I think that's what I have plenty of... xoxo
[I'm an Aquarian and the boyfriend is a Virgoan.]
The only turf these two signs can share is the intellectual one. The traditional, methodical Virgo panics in the absence of familiarity and routine; the Aquarius devotes himself to overturning the routine and modernizing the world. Likewise, in the emotional realm, Virgo seeks certainty while Aquarius craves the unpredictable. The Aquarian chill bothers the devoted Virgoan, who may reproach him or herself for some inner failing. However, love makes all things possible... But this couple will be a challenge for both partners to tackle.**
And, somehow I agree on this. Expscially about the boyfriend panics about changes. And me always looking for changes. Something to improve on.
So, okay. I did not stop there. I've made my own quest on this star-sign-compatibility-whatever and this is what I have found.
If your Venus is in Aquarius:
When your Venus is in Aquarius, you don't want to follow all the "rules" in love, preferring to love in your own way, unfettered by convention or what is "supposed" to be, or usually, done. You are future-minded, a tad unconventional (in love, anyhow) and there's an unmistakable "free spirit" in you that shows up most obviously in matters of the heart. This is not to say you cannot—or will not—fall in love. Infatuations happen easily, but true love can be a little elusive for you. When you do make a commitment, you are generally able to stick to it. The commitment you make generally has to be a little different in order to be tolerable to you, and you are proud of that difference. Following the beaten track simply doesn't sit well with you.
You have an aloof air about you that others find attractive. If they are looking for a commitment from you at a later date, however, what was once considered charismatic might become annoying! It is easy for you to feel claustrophobic in relationships that are too close, too needy, or too demanding of your time. If you have the space to breathe a little, all the better. This is when you are at your best.
You are a curious person and enjoy intellectual stimulation in your relationships. Although you are not someone who would be considered flighty, you do not tolerate stagnation very well. You need to feel like your relationship is heading somewhere. Your ability to detach yourself from a situation, take a step back, and look at it from a unique perspective is a tremendous strength. As willing as you are to stir things up if you are in the mood to enforce change, there is a wonderful calm surrounding you that can be most appealing to others. You are ahead of your time in matters of the heart, and you will be best off finding a partner who values your insight. **
Yes. That is so me ^^
Now, let's go on to the specifics:
How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Virgo:
You get off on visions, possibilities, and opportunities. Your partner, on the other hand, is most concerned with making a relationship work. Mentally, you and your partner might have much to share. Both of you enjoy having meaningful conversations with the people you love. What you prefer to talk about may not be compatible, however! Your partner believes his or her needs are simple, and in many ways they are, although you might consider these needs unnecessarily complicated. Your lover responds best to practical displays of affection, and because his or her Venus is in an Earth sign, your partner most values your physical presence and attention. A partner who is always running off to see friends, for example, could make your lover feel somewhat insecure and decidedly unloved. You value exactly that freedom, so this is an area in your relationship that you both will need to work on. Your partner's need for appreciation is paramount. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like he or she has done something wrong. You reveal your love in different ways, and the independence you need, if misunderstood, can lead to a fair share of worrying on your lover's part. Make sure your partner knows that if he or she feels comfortable enough to loosen up and be himself or herself, you will appreciate him or her all the more. Misunderstanding of each other's unique and different love natures is what is most likely to divide you. This relationship can be a little more challenging than some, but compassion and understanding can most certainly make it work. **
As I have mentioned somewhere here, I want the relationship to be better. I look for ways how to make it all better, healthier, more satisfying and (of course) happier. And as I have noticed, the boyfriend is more on the stability side, just as long as we're okay, all's well, that's it. While I, talks about "growing" and getting better. I also agree with us having a lot to talk about, especially about the person we both know. In our free time, that's what we do. Talk about these people. Also, there's something about the boyfriend relying on physical presence, attention and the likes. I so agree with this, we had this argument before about seeing each other often. Though, I understand his point on that, I believe in missing each other as something that would help the relationship. It would remove the 'getting used to' part. And it feels good to long the other and be longed for. You plan what to do the next time you're together and stuff. It benefits the both of you. Well, that was my opinion. And yes, we have issues on freedom and time-for-one's self. He gets that, I don't. He felt having work makes me have this time of my own, which I don't consider, of course. It's something I'm a bit irritated that I'm just trying hard to contain, I just don't want to make things any harder as it is now. And yes, he needs appreciation big time. I felt that I have to stroke his ego every now and then because he is prone to feeling low. This is something we talk about quite often too. I just don't think that I need to watch my words or keep quiet all the time just because I might hurt him (right??). Independence is important to me. My own self is important too, I'm not planning to lose that just because I'm in a relationship or whatsoever circumstances I'm in. And I felt, this is something we need to work on to. I'm not used depending onto someone and, somehow, I expect my partner to be the same. We have a lot of things to work on to. But hey, we are still in progress. Just as what's stated above, COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING will certainly make this work. And, I think that's what I have plenty of... xoxo
Okay, I have an extra time to do extra stuff at work (but I'm not slacking, okay?). So, here I am with another off-the-net-quizzes. It's not that I believe in them, it's just fun to answer and get the results, be amazed if it matches me and... well, take another quiz, if it did not. ü
So here's another quiz that I so agree that matches me. I just want to put it here...
You are Sensitive and Realistic.
Your idea of romance is not something right out of a fairy tale. But sometimes, you'd like an evening where your partner pulls out all the stops for you. You aren't spoiled, but you do like to be pampered in relationships sometimes. It's important for you to feel taken care of.
You want a partner who is responsible, giving and considerate. You want someone who is serious about making a relationship work. For you, love is sticking together through the good times and bad. You take love very seriously. **
I know every girl dreams and wishes for a fairy-tale-kind-of-romance, including me (of course). But I'm more of a reality-check now, I suppose. Thanks to the life lessons that has been thrown at me at a very young age. All things come and go. Nothing is permanent. Things work out and things don't. That's normal. All you need to do is accept it if it's there and forget-then-move-on if it did not. That's why I've had this principle to do everything you can in a relationship. I want to make it work. Make it a healthy, strong and serious relationship. Whatever it takes to make it happen, I would. Just so, if it ended, I could walk away and say... "atleast, I did my part".
But of course, there are times that the baby in me would surface. I have a secret desire to be taken care of, really (I mean, who wouldn't want that, right?). Realistically, I want to be the one who takes care of my partner. I 'baby' him, I give what he wants (even if I get less in return). But there's a part in me who wants to be the one who's taken care of. You know, having this someone who would 'baby' me. Treat me like a princess. I don't need it, but I want it. And that's a plus for me. As long as you take care of me, make me feel secure, I'm yours forever. xoxo
Tuesday, February 2
Been through some notes I've had for so many years, and found some of my favorite notes. And I just wanted to put it here:
1. Can love really last a lifetime?
~ Absolutely. But, only if you chuck the fairy tale of living happily ever after. Romantic love involves chemical changes in the brain that last 12 to 18 months. After that, you and your partner are on your own. Relationships require maintenance.
2. Can relationships survive betrayal?
~ Yes. It takes time and work. Partners will have an affair at some point in their relationships (60% of men and 40% of women). The news is good for couples hoping to recover from devastating breaches of trust. The offended partner needs to make the choice to forgive, and learn to live with a memory that can't simply be erased. Infidelity is never forgotten, but it can gradually fade into the murky background of a strong, mature relationship. **
Monday, January 18
Let's start it on last Friday.
It was, well, a day where I wanted to tell everything to The boyfriend. It was suppose to be a joke. 'coz I know how he will deal with confrontations. But it ended as a real confrontation. He was mad, really. But I reacted differently this time, instead of doing the usual , going after him, I let him do what he wants. He told me he'll leave, and I did not do anything. I didn't even stayed near him then. It was like "now or never" situation. If I'll continue doing what I am used to do, stroking his ego, we won't be going anywhere. I told him I want our relationship to grow. I want us to talk about things openly, without me being too cautious that he might get mad or what. Normal couples talk about problems. They deal with it. talk about how to get rid of it or change it. Not let it aside.
And it ended good. In fact, he went to me (I was in the kitchen then and he was in the bedroom). He listened to all my talking. I know how hard it is for him to stay quiet. He is not that good with confrontations , as I have said (Well, me neither. But I won't let it be that way when it comes to our relationship). He didn't gave me his usual. He just stayed quiet until I ended. After, I reached out. Kissed him and we finished our hot mug of chocolate, then went to bed. And I had one of my best make-up sex ^^
It was hard to be this way, especially that I'm used to be the "follower" in the relationship. My previous partners are the one who initiates the talk. Or what to do and how to deal. But, being on this relationship makes me more responsible in a lot of ways. It isn't just a follower in me that he helped me apply, but the leader too. He helped me discover traits I didn't know I have. He made me a better person. xoxo
" Love is not always enough. "
Thursday, January 14
I've been thinking a lot of things lately.
Things might not go as it was planned. My dad might decide to bring me back to the province to continue my studies. And you know what that means, being far away from The boyfriend. I'm worried, yes. Can he make it? Can we make it? I'm still not into grasps about this. But still it bothers me lately. Because I know it is a big possibility. When my dad says so, it's now or never, grab it or lose it forever. And I know I can't pass up that chance. I've wasted an opportunity before, I don't want to do that again. I don't know how will I prepare The boyfriend for that kind of separation. I know we'll work things out. I know we will. The boyfriend has been a different man, he changed for the better. And he still is in the process. I can't put that to waste. He has worked a lot already. And God knows he needs me. (I know I sound so full of myself, but Hell, I'm not kidding. It's just the way The boyfriend is.) He is very dependent. I fill his needs, and he fills mine. It's a mutual completion when we're together. I can't let that go to waste. Still thinking. xoxo
" I made a life out of loving you. "
Tuesday, January 12
I won't get tired of you and besides, I love you very much.
I was tired last night but we still stayed up until six am. Drank with friends and looked for food. It was fun, having these experiences with The boyfriend. I remember when we are still drinking, while everybody else is laughing their heads off about Jamie, The boyfriend and I were just talking, having our own world and laughing on our own reasons. It was fun that way. Sometimes, it still makes me wonder how we can remove everybody else and concentrate on each other. It's as if, everything is well, as long as we are together. Well anyway, we were very, very tired. And to think that he needs to get up really early to go prepare for school. Haha. He has like only three hours of sleep. [Wawa atabibi] ^^
Anyway, I'll be spending my night with The boyfriend. And I'm just about as excited as ever to go home (--,)
Oh! Btw, Jhaicz has a camera already. Yay! The boyfriend said last night "We have another camera." Haha.
Wonder when will I have real pictures posted here for my every entry.. Tsk. I'm planning to have a laptop of my own, to do this whenever, wherever! Haha. Still gonna process a credit card. Pssh. xoxo
" I know you were trying to give me the best of your love, here in my heart, i give you the best of my love"
Monday, January 11
Thank you love, I love you so much.ü

How I love to wake up knowing how much you love me. It was a fun weekend. I got drunk and we got drunk and we drinked. That's Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
" You don't force love to come to your life, for love comes freely and chooses no one... one day, you might just wake up falling for the person you least expected. "
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